The Symbiote from Spider-Man 2 could inspire some new gadgets.

The Symbiote from Spider-Man 2 could inspire some new gadgets.

Venom and the Symbiote are set to appear in Marvel's Spider-Man 2, which may prompt Insomniac to add new gadgets to the game.

For various reasons, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is a promising game. Because of its PS5 exclusivity, Insomniac will be able to push the limits of the next-generation console, delivering a more spectacular depiction of New York City with more complex character models. The addition of Kraven might lead to some fascinating boss battles, as well as new clothes for Miles and Peter to please fans of the wall-crawlers.

The Symbiote, on the other hand, is certainly the most promising component of Marvel's Spider-Man 2. Venom has been announced as an opponent, and players are curious if the parasite would attach itself to Miles or Peter during the story. One aspect of the Symbiote that hasn't gotten enough attention is its flaws, and the sequel could see Peter creating gadgets based on the alien material's flaws to aid him in his battles with it.

Sound-Based Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Gadgets and the Potential for Fire

The Symbiotes have a number of advantages, with characters such as Venom and Carnage demonstrating how lethal their parasites can be on several occasions. Symbiotes, on the other hand, have a few critical flaws that have been exposed throughout time, flaws that will undoubtedly be addressed in Marvel's Spider-Man 2. Fire and sound are both potent techniques that Spidey may use to destroy the parasites, despite how difficult they are to defeat.

It's easy to see a sound-based device making an appearance in Marvel's Spider-Man 2. Peter may alter the original game's Concussive Blast tool to emit high-pitched frequencies, successfully shocking Venom and any other Symbiote-related adversaries that the friendly neighbourhood hero encounters. The Spider Drone could also be modified to make high-pitched sounds, allowing Peter and Miles to weaken the Symbiotes while stomping on them. Another option is that the Suspension Matrix pulls the Symbiote away from its host, allowing the Spider-Men to attack the person who ordinarily wears it.

A fiery tool is a little more difficult to envision, as Insomniac would almost certainly have to make it unavailable for interactions with NPCs who lack superhuman skills. While the concept of incendiary webbing is easy to grasp, Spider-Man would never use it to burn average thugs. Still, the ability to light a Symbiote on fire would be a lot of fun, and it would show Spidey taking advantage of any advantage he can get in order to defeat the otherworldly foe. Perhaps the Iron Spider legs, which are part of Peter's new suit, might be changed to add a fire effect.

While Insomniac may not be eager to create two additional devices only for a boss fight with Venom, recurring battles with Symbiote-infected NPCs would make new gadgets more valuable. Venom's Symbiote could be spreading either intentionally or by accident, similar to how Mr. Negative corrupted ordinary individuals in the original game. As a result, Spidey may have to fight waves of Symbiote-infused civilians, destroying the Symbiote's components in order to liberate the hosts from the Symbiote's influence.

Insomniac Games should provide unique tools to help balance engagements with Venom and other possible Symbiote wearers, given that the Symbiote has the ability to drive players to fight differently and change up their playstyles. Both sonic and fire devices would expand on existing canon while also being a lot of fun to use, so they could be a good place to start if the developer wants to make the sequel's Symbiote-related combat more unique.