All of the Unifi SSH Commands You Need to Know

All of the Unifi SSH Commands You Need to Know

Despite the fact that Unifi devices come with a fantastic controller, you may need to access your Unifi device via SSH on occasion. For example, the set-inform command can be used to establish the initial connection. But what additional SSH commands do our Unifi devices support?

Because Unifi SSH commands aren't well documented, the majority of the commands listed in this article are based on a variety of sources and personal experience. If you know of any other SSH commands that are beneficial, please add them to the list below.

SSH Commands for Unifi

We'll start with the most widely used Unifi SSH commands, and then I'll group them by device or function afterwards.

"Command                   Example                                                               Function

info info                              Displays                                                                  device information

set-default                     set-default                                                                       Factory reset device

set-inform     set-inform                            Set URL of the controller for adoption. More info

upgrade                   upgrade https://<firmware-url>.bin                               Upgrade firmware – More info

fwupdate                   fwupdate --url https://<firmware-url>.bin                            Update firmware

reboot                                reboot                                                                            Reboot the device

poweroff                               poweroff                                                                            Shutdown device

uptime                                 uptime                                                                      Shows device uptime"

SSH Commands for Networking

The Unifi SSH Commands listed below might be quite useful in locating network-related issues with your Unifi device.

Command                                  Example                                                     Function

ifconfig                                        ifconfig                                                Show network interface information

ip address add                         ip address add dev br0      Set static IP Address

ip route                                  ip route                                                           Display current gateway

ip router add                           ip route add default via                 Set default gateway

echo "nameserver              " > /etc/resolv.conf                           Set DNS Server

ping ping 1.1.1.                      Check network connection to device

arp                                               apr -a                                                                Show arp table

ip neigh                                       ip neigh                                                  Show IPv6 neighbors

SSH Commands for Unifi OS

When you connect to your UDM Pro (or another controller running Unifi OS), you'll be given the following options:

Command                                                        Example                                                  Function

ubnt-systool cputemp                                      ubnt-systool cputemp                       Show CPU Temp

ubnt-systool cpuload                                    ubnt-systool cpuload                                Show CPU load

ubnt-systool portstatus                                  ubnt-systool portstatus                               Show port status

ubnt-systool hostname                    ubnt-systool hostname <newname>                         Set new hostname

ubnt-systool reboot                                       ubnt-systool reboot                                           Reboot device

ubnt-systool reset2defaults                  ubnt-systool reset2defaults                                       Factory reset device

ubnt-device-info summary               ubnt-device-info summary                                     Show system information

ubnt-tools ubnt-discover                             ubnt-tools ubnt-discover                                            Show Unifi devices in the network

cat /mnt/data/udapi-config/ cat /mnt/data/udapi-config/               Show DHCP Leases

cat /mnt/data/udapi-config/unifi                cat /mnt/data/udapi-config/unifi                                Show configuration

/etc/init.d/S95unifios restart                                 /etc/init.d/S95unifios restart                                 Restart Unifi OS Web interface

Log files from Unifi

You can view a variety of log files to assist you in debugging any Unifi-related issue:

Command                                                                   Function

cat /var/log/messages                                              Output the error log

tail -f /var/log/messages                                                   Monitor log file

cat /mnt/data/unifi-os/unifi-core/config/settings.yaml   Server settings

cat /mnt/data/unifi-os/unifi-core/logs/discovery.log         Discovery log

cat /mnt/data/unifi-os/unifi-core/logs/system.log          System log

cat /mnt/data/unifi-os/unifi/logs/server.log                  Server log

cat /mnt/data/unifi-os/unifi-core/logs/errors.log           Http errors

Final Thoughts

Because Unifi devices run a version of Linux, most Linux commands will function on them. You can get a list of all possible SSH commands by pressing Tab twice.

When making changes directly in the device, keep in mind that the Unifi Controller will override most settings.