Connected to Wi-Fi but no internet on Chromebook

Connected to Wi-Fi but no internet on Chromebook

I encountered this issue with my Chromebook recently where it was easily connected to the Wi-Fi, but I couldn't access the internet. I was finally able to fix the problem after 15-20 minutes of troubleshooting. You can find everything you need to know about fixing Chromebook connected to Wi-Fi but without an internet connection if you are in a similar situation.

Getting Chromebook connected to Wi-Fi but without Internet

To proceed, first check whether the issue is with your Chromebook or your router. Connect another device to the same Wi-Fi network to do this. If other devices connected to the same Wi-Fi network cannot access the internet either, then it is your router that is causing the issue. The problem is with your Chromebook if there aren't any problems with other devices. Knowing that will make troubleshooting easier and faster.

If the Problem Is With Your Router

Start by turning off your router for thirty seconds and then re-enabling it. Most of the time, a reboot will fix the problem. If it doesn't, follow these steps.

1. Check Whether Your Router Is Connected to Internet

When you have a problem with a router, it is usually because the router itself is not connected to the internet. You can confirm this by looking at the WAN light on the router. Verify the WAN light is blinking and not on or off continuously (few routers indicate internet access with a green light).

If it's not blinking, then you might have a loose or faulty broadband cable connection, your ISP may be down, or you may have exceeded your monthly data allowance. If that's the case, your router can't access the internet. Contact your ISP for help.

2. Your ISP May Be Down

It is possible that the problem is not with your router, but with your service provider. You can check your ISP's service down by visiting the Downdetecter website. The only thing you can do if many users are reporting that the service is down is wait until it is restored. You can also contact the ISP for more information.

There may be a problem on your end if no one around where you live reports any problems.

3. Check for Captive Portals

Some Wi-Fi connections are protected by captive portals. To access the internet, you must sign in after connecting to a Wi-Fi network.


Chrome OS detects and alerts you about captive portals when you are connected to Wi-Fi (if one is available). If you don't receive such notifications, try reconnecting to Wi-Fi or forgetting the network and reconnecting again.

You can do this by opening Settings > Wi-Fi and selecting the Wi-Fi network you want to use and clicking Forget. 

Now you can connect to the same Wi-Fi network. A captive portal should be available if it is supported. This Chrome extension can also be used to check whether the Wi-Fi you are connected to has a captive portal.

4. Update Your Router’s Firware

Router firmware is sometimes not updated by ISPs. If the firmware on your router is several years old, you may have security concerns as well as a buggy experience. You should update the firmware to prevent such issues in the future.

Press the settings button. Perform a quick Google search to find your ISP's default IP address, username, and password. By entering the IP address in Chrome, you can log into your router with the username and password.

IP address for ISP router settings

settings. You can now update your router's firmware image from the manufacturer's website. 

5. Enable Both 2.4GHz and 5GHz Network

If a website is taking too long to load, Chrome may not load it. Instead, an error message will appear. Perhaps your Internet connection is slow. Sometimes 2.4GHz connections are slow.

A 5GHz connection is faster, but its range is smaller, while a 2.4GHz connection is faster but has a wider range. When you are far from the router, your device may automatically connect to a 2.4GHz network. However, sometimes this network may be slow.

5GHz and 2.4GHz wifi network

If both networks are enabled, the device will automatically connect to the 5GHz network. You can do this via the router settings. 2.4 and 5GHz SSID names should be able to be assigned, enabling both networks. If you enable this setting, your Chromebook will automatically connect to the 5GHz network. However, not every router supports 5GHz.

6. Reset Router

If none of these solutions work, resetting the router is the obvious solution. All settings on the router will be reset to factory defaults, forcing any customizations to be undone. After your router has been reset, you will have to change the settings according to your needs again.

reset key on router hardware

Resetting your router physically can be done by pressing the reset button on the back, or by going to the maintenance or advanced options page. A reset button can be found in a small hole on many routers. Using a paper clip or SIM ejector tool, you need to press the button for 5-10 seconds or until the lights blink and the router restarts.

7. Call ISP

for a software-related issue. If your Chromebook cannot access the internet after connecting to Wi-Fi, contact your ISP. There may be a problem with the hardware.

If Chromebook is the problem, contact your ISP.

Turn your Chromebook back on after shutting it down for 30 seconds. Rebooting usually solves the problem. However, if that does not work, continue reading.

1. Check Multiple Websites

Some Wi-Fi networks do not support all websites. There is a possibility that your college, your office, your ISP, or the government of your country blocks these websites. Attempt to access multiple websites in that case. Chromebooks usually have access to the internet. When you cannot access anything, you should check your VPN.

2. Try Turning off the VPN

to see if that helps. Despite the low probability, it's still worth checking. If you are using a VPN, connect to a different location. If that doesn't work, disconnect and reconnect again.

Only use well-known paid VPN networks.

3. Check to see if your router is blocking you.

There is always the possibility that someone exploited the router's security and blocked your Chromebook. You can find the block list on the router's admin panel.

By searching for your ISP's default IP address, username, and password, you can access your router's settings. Log in with these details. You can now find the blocklist under wireless settings, network settings, or administration settings. You don't need to worry about blocking any devices. If you find any blocked devices, check if they are yours. You can also find the settings on the internet service provider's app. 

4. Change DNS Provider

A DNS server is like an online phonebook. Your ISP probably provides DNS services, which aren't always the best choice. Changing DNS on Chromebook may help if you are experiencing constant Wi-Fi issues.

To change the DNS of a Wi-Fi network, go to Chrome OS settings > Wi-Fi. Click on Network. There are three options under Name Servers - Automatic name servers, Google name servers, and Custom name servers. This option uses the DNS provided by the ISP. In addition, you can set Google name servers ( and, which are a bit faster and more reliable. 

You can also enter in the Custom field. It will connect to Cloudflare's free and fast name servers.

5. Flush DNS Cache

A DNS cache is a temporary database maintained by a computer's operating system that records all recent visits and attempts to websites and other internet domains. Copy this URL and paste it in the Chrome browser's address bar, then press enter to remove the cache stored on your Chromebook.


Now you will see a button called Clear host cache to clear DNS cache.

6. Update Chrome OS

Chrome OS gets some buggy updates that must later be fixed with a patch update. The version you are using might be causing Chromebook Wi-Fi problems but not internet problems. Try updating ChromeOS to the latest version by connecting to another Wi-Fi. If you cannot connect to a Wi-Fi network, use your mobile data to update the OS via USB tethering.

7. Do Not Use Hidden SSID Name

Chromebooks have trouble with hidden SSID networks. A hidden SSID means the name of the network won't appear when scanning for Wi-Fi networks, but the network is still active. SSID names and passwords must be manually entered if this feature is enabled. By default, hidden SSIDs won't be enabled. Your Wi-Fi network may not show up if you haven't enabled it in your router's settings.

You can disable the Hidden SSID option under the Network page of router settings. The process may differ on your router settings page since each ISP has its own interface.

8. Login With the Main Account

My Chromebook has Wi-Fi issues when I use secondary accounts. When the same Wi-Fi network isn't connected to the main primary account, the Chromebook will not connect or will disconnect repeatedly. In other words, if you are using a secondary account on your Chromebook, make sure you are connected to the same Wi-Fi as your main account and turn the toggle beside Allow other users of this device to use this network on. 

9. Run Chrome Connectivity Diagnostics

For troubleshooting, you can also try the Chrome connectivity diagnostics Chrome extension. You'll be able to see what's causing the issue as well as how to fix it. The Chrome OS extension can be downloaded from the app drawer. If the extension finds any network issues, it will notify you.

10. Powerwash Chromebook

When you are sure that there is no issue with the router and cannot find anything wrong with your Chromebook, the only option left is to powerwash the Chromebook. Because all your apps, settings, and even your wallpaper are always backed up, you can powerwash the Chromebook and sign in with your Google account to recover all your data. If you have stored files on Chrome OS, you should back them up before power washing. 

You can powerwash your Chromebook by going to Settings > Advanced > Reset settings and clicking the Reset button beside Powerwash. After a Chromebook has been power washed, it will restart again so that you can sign in.


My router accidentally blocked my Chromebook. There may be a hardware issue if none of these solutions resolves the issue. In this case, contact your ISP. Check the in-built Wi-Fi card on Chromebooks if you have any problems.