How to do a firmware update for any kind of device

How to do a firmware update for any kind of device

There are many types of devices that require firmware updates. Essentially, the "built-in software" (microcode) is what makes our devices work, or to put it another way, makes them turn on and function. Firmware can be improved over time, just like any other programming language. If a firmware update fixes a bug or adds new functions to a device, everything becomes better. How do you update the firmware on your devices? Would you like to learn more about firmware updates? What steps should you take? Here are some tips:

What is a firmware update?

Our devices are powered by two things: the hardware inside them and the firmware that keeps them going. Software embedded in a device enables the hardware to function properly. Hardware and software have firmware: smartphones have firmware, tablets have firmware, routers have firmware, and even our smart TVs have firmware. Directly from the factory, hardware component manufacturers program the firmware. To learn more about what firmware is and why it's important, read the following article: What is firmware? Its purpose.

Firmware can also be improved: bugs can be found and fixed, new features can be added. In the event that a manufacturer releases new firmware for one of its devices that you own, you can upgrade it with the new version. The process is known as firmware updating.

In spite of this, updating the firmware can be a dangerous process that, if not done correctly, can render your device useless. Some would say that bad firmware updates turn functioning hardware into bricks. As a result, we're going to show you the best practices for updating any device's firmware in the following sections. If you do it right and are careful, the risks should be minimal.

Step 1. Know the model of your device and what firmware it uses

To begin with, you should check if a firmware update is available for your device. The first step is to know your device's model name and the current firmware installed on it. You can find out about the model of your device and the firmware version in a variety of ways, depending on the kind of device you have:

  • It is printed on the package box of your device.
  • It is usually found on the back of your device, either as a sticker or directly on the device itself.
  • There are also devices that come with administration software. SSDs from Samsung and Intel come with apps called Samsung Magician and Intel Solid-State Drive Toolbox, respectively. The manufacturer of your device may offer such an app that shows you the model and firmware version of your device.
  • Many devices, such as routers, firewalls, DVRs, and IP cameras, offer a web interface. In one of their web administration panels, you can see their name and firmware version.
  • With some devices that have a display, such as smart TVs, the model name and firmware version can be seen inside the menu with settings.

The firmware version of a Samsung SSD is shown by the Samsung Magician app

Step 2. Check if there is a firmware update available for your device

It is time to check whether an update is available for your device once you know the exact model name and the current firmware version. You can find your device's support site by searching online. If you don't know which website to go to, you can either search with Google or Bing or look at your device's manual to find the website's address. Look for it in the manual.

Find a Drivers, Firmware, or Download section on the manufacturer's support website. Look for any new firmware updates for your device and see if they are listed. Be sure to identify your device correctly. If it has a different letter or number in its name, you might be looking at a different model. It is likely that updating your device's firmware with one from another device, even if only slightly different, will lead to a bricked device.

Download the newer firmware if you find one that is newer than the one on your device. In addition, make sure the manufacturer of your device also provides a dedicated software tool for updating the firmware. Many manufacturers also include executable files that can be used to update the firmware for your device. This tool is also recommended if you fall into this category.

Step 3. Prepare your device for the firmware update

Now that your computer has the new firmware update and it's ready to be written to your device, it's time to prepare the device for this process. You should:

  • Check the Readme file included with the new firmware update. Make sure you read the Readme, as it may contain crucial information about the firmware and how to upgrade it.
  • During the firmware update process, make sure you use a reliable power supply. When you begin updating the firmware on your device and the power is cut, your device will be bricked. Because of this, we recommend you to connect your device to an uninterruptible power supply. It is a good idea to plug in your smart TV even if its firmware is updated. It's the only 100% safe way to do it.
  • If you use a computer to update a device's firmware, make sure that the computer has no third-party antivirus running on it. Having an antivirus installed for protection is always a good thing, except during firmware updates. It might think that the firmware update process is malicious, and, as such, it could block the update. You don't want that. Temporarily disable your antivirus software until you finish the firmware upgrade.
  • If you're going to update the firmware on a device using a USB memory stick or any other kind of external memory, make sure that you use a memory stick of good quality. A USB memory stick or an external hard drive with bad blocks might lead to a failed firmware update.

Step 4. Backup the current firmware from your device

we are almost ready to begin the firmware update. Before we do that, there's one more thing to do. In order to do this by the book, you might want to first make a backup of your current firmware. In the event that something goes wrong during the firmware update process, you still have a chance to recover your device.

You may not be able to save a copy of the current firmware on all devices, but if you can, do it!

Step 5. How to do a firmware update for your device

Update the firmware of your device. Things can be either simple or complicated depending on the device type and how its manufacturer designed the firmware update process.

In most cases, you simply have to launch your wireless router's web interface in your favorite web browser, navigate to the firmware settings, browse to the new firmware's location, and start the update process.

Other types of devices have different firmware update procedures. Intel SSD drives, for example, use an easy-to-use tool called the Intel SSD Toolbox. The only thing you need to do is click on Update under Firmware Update. For the firmware upgrade to take effect, all you need to do is reboot your PC.

When you're updating firmware on your smart TV or media player, you usually place the new firmware files on a USB memory stick, plug it into your device, and press the Upgrade button in the settings menu.

For your PC's motherboard firmware (aka BIOS), it could mean using specific ways recommended by the manufacturer, available either as an app for Windows or as a tool built into your UEFI BIOS. We've already described how to do this in our guide on upgrading the BIOS. The instructions can be found here: How to update your motherboard's BIOS.

Here are some examples. The firmware upgrade process may vary depending on your device. This depends on the approach and the tools offered by the manufacturer of your device. Always read your device's documentation, at the risk of repeating ourselves. There you'll find the specific steps for updating the firmware.

Do you update the firmware of your devices regularly?

Any "smart" device relies heavily on its firmware. This is the thing that tells hardware what, when, and how to do what it's supposed to. And firmware can be improved, just like any other software. Your device's manufacturer may regularly release new firmware updates. As a result, you should update your device's firmware as often as possible. Taking such measures without proper safety measures or doing so in a hurry can result in catastrophic consequences. Be sure to walk through every step in this guide before doing any firmware updates for your devices. Your trouble-free experience might depend on it.